Gerdus & Sandy Botha | Wedding
Marriage is sharing your life with you best friend, enjoying the journey along the way and arriving at every destination together. What a beautiful and fun wedding with such a stunning couple. Congratulations on the start of something magical.
Bridesmaid Dresses: Hymne Elizabeth Venter
Car: Walter Fivas
Dekor: Weddings by CW
Dress: Besters Bridal Boutiuqe
Flowers: Weddings by CW
Hairstylist: Adele Henuis from Style It
Make-up Artist: Jo-Ann Rossouw
Music: Pieter Thiart
Nails: Lizette Muller - N bietjie pamerlang
Planners: Weddinsg by CW
Suit: Mr Suit Hire George
Venue: Kleingeluk